January 16, 2008

Adobe SVG viewer for LINUX

You can find the Linux version of Adobe SVG viewer (ASV3 Beta) on Adobe ASV download site.

Grab the Redhat Linux version. It should work in any Linux distribution. Linux is not yet a fully supported platform by the Adobe SVG team. However, they provide this beta version which did not go through quality assurance. ASV3 on Linux does not properly work in current Firefox/Mozilla versions, but should work in Konqueror and Opera.

Linux Installation Instruction:

  • Download the tar.gz file and untar it in a temporary directory ("tar -zxvf adobesvg-3.01x88-linux-i386.tar.gz"). cd to the adobesvg-3.01 directory. Adobe provides an install shell script, but that usually does not work, due to the heterogenous pathes used in the various Linux distribution. You can safely delete the file "install.sh".
  • As a next step copy all remaining files in this directory to your plugin directory (on my SuSE box it is "/usr/lib/browser-plugins").
  • If the browser does not yet watch this directory for detecting new plugins you need to tell it. In Konqueror open "Settings" --> "Configure Konqueror" --> "Plugins" --> and edit the "Scan Folders". You can add the new directory if it is not yet listed and tell konqueror to manually scan for new plugins.
  • ASV should now appear in the plugins list as "libNPSVG3.so". In Konqueror if you want to use ASV instead of KSVG you need to edit the "File Associations" in the "Configure Konqueror" panel. In the known types tree view go to "image" --> "svg+xml" go to the "Embedding" tab and check "Show file in embedded viewer". In the "Services Preference Order" list move the "Netscape plugin viewer (nsplugin)" up to the first position.
  • Your Konqueror is now ready to view SVG files in ASV3.
  • In Opera you need to go to "Tools" --> "Preferences" --> "Advanced" --> "Content" --> "Plug-in options" and add the path to the "Plug-in path". ASV should now be enabled in Opera.

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